Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Paper City...

Finally, here is a picture of my paper city:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Busy again!

I have been really busy the last month!! School started back up about 4 weeks ago. Going into the 5th week of school. I also got into making paper models of buildings that I saw in New York. I have 7 built already and another on my desk waiting. I will post a pic of my expanding paper city in the coming days.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Where have I been?!

I can answer that question in one word: busy!! I have been really busy since we got back from NYC. I helped my dad shingle/tin a roof, and I learned some interesting stuff from the guy that owns that house. I learned that toothpicks can be called finishing lumber. You know because you use that piece of "lumber" to finish your meal. That pretty much sums up two weeks. Then the last two weeks I have been golfing getting ready for the fall season. I also go an iPhone! In the meantime I also got 400 of my NYC pictures posted to facebook, and here are the links for those:
New York Part 1

New York Part 2

I can't believe school starts in....10 days!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Extremely Hot Weather!

This week has been extremely hot!! The temperatures ranged from the upper 90's to low 100's. And on top of that there was dew points in the upper 70's. The heat index ranged from 105- 120. It was really miserable to be outside. We are supposed to have a break from the heat tomorrow then it comes back on Friday (I think, I'm all screwed up with days).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Many Spelling errors....

I read through all my posts of the trip and found that I made a lot of spelling errors. Oops! Maybe it was because I usually posted at like midnight which was the only time I had. O well.
On Monday I had 3 more peachicks hatch. That makes 15...or 16... can't keep track of all them. I have already close to $300 saved up for a trip next year. Hopefully we are able to go again!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 10: Tyndall, SD

Today we made it home! We left at 9 and made some stops on the way and got home around 9. The trip went by so fast. Thanks again to Erin and Steve for a very memorable trip. Better start saving for next year again!