Friday, July 30, 2010

Thank You

I would like to thank my cousin Erin for making the wonderful header on my blog. Thanks Erin!!
Well it looks like my weekend is going to mostly consist of mowing lawns. After all this rain the grass is going to be tall. I also have to finish up packing for my trip, hopefully I don't forget anything. Thats all for now. ~David

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pool Day

Today couldn't be a more perfect day to go to the pool!! Since I'm babysitting my cousin Gavin, I decided to take him to the pool, just to get out of the house.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hello Everyone! I made this blog so people can look at different things that are new with me, but the main reason I made this blog is to update family members on trips that I go on, such as the one I will be going on in a week to DC. ~David