Monday, April 18, 2011

My New Incubator!!

Since hatching season has started, it is time to fire up the incubators. I convinced my dad into by me this new incubator. And it worked! I set 5 peafowl eggs last night (Sunday April 17) and are due to hatch May 15. Stay tuned as I will have updates on the hatching process. 
Hopefully you can have a good week with all this rain!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just One more Look at Winter!

It is supposed to be spring, which means green grass and flowers starting to bloom. It doesn't mean getting dumped on by snow! Today we got more snow, unfortunately, around 5+ inches to be exact. After the 80 degrees on Tuesday. My peacocks and their pens are all wet and look miserably. Hopefully it will be gone by next week. And when it is gone, it better stay gone! Anyways, here are a few pictures from this miserable day of winter/spring:
My Yard (it was green yesterday)

To show you how much there is!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is interesting....

 Mt. Rushmore looking at Shutdown
     If the Democrats and Republicans don't come to an agreement over the federal budget, the possibility of a government shutdown could have an impact here in South Dakota.If the government doesn't get a budget finalized by Friday at midnight, Mt. Rushmore will close its doors. And that’s something tourists aren't happy about. You could say they're the most famous four faces in the country. But if the government goes into a shutdown, they'll be locked behind closed doors. If the shutdown does happen, all national parks and monuments like the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon and Alcatraz Island would close. ~courtesy Austin Hoffman Keloland News
Video from Mount Rushmore Looking At Shutdown

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Signs of Spring

What a beautiful day we had yesterday and it sounds like it's going to be even warmer today! Yesterday when I went outside I found these signs of spring in our yard:
1. The rhubarb is sprouting out of the ground
2. There is green grass

Have a great weekend! ~David