Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Somewhere he is not supposed to be....

Tell me, does this look like a roost? or  does it look like a heat lamp? I am leaning towards a heat lamp, but thats not what this little peacock thinks. He must think he is at the beach sun tanning. His routine was fly up on the lamp sit and sleep, then fly to the other side of box take a drink (fyi the box is split in half because of two different age groups), fly back up and sit and sleep, then fly back to the original side and eat , then start over again.
O and by the way, there is only 39 hrs left until I leave on the trip. So excited!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Only 4 days!!!!

I will give all you another hint to where the destination of our trip is.
The rest of the week looks like it will be pretty hectic until we leave Friday. Have to move peacocks and mow and sometime go to Yankton to get me a new suitcase because the wheel decides to fall of last night. Good thing it happened before we left or else I would be having a three wheeled suitcase. Here is the hint:
Have a good week!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

And here are the recent additions

Here is the picture of my new peachicks. Three hatched, but one died within minutes of getting out of the egg. Not sure what happened there. But anyways enjoy the pictures. O and by the way.....5 days!!
Here they are taking their first nap together, or should I say on top
of eachother!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Only 6 days left!!!

There is only 6 days left until I leave for....?.... I guess you will find out, its still a mystery. But here is another picture to help. I have had my stuff packed for a week already, just need to add a few more things and I can zip up the suitcase and put it by the door!
These last two weeks have been hectic with Czech Days last weekend and trying to get my mowing in with all this rain we have been having. Hopefully I can mow one more time before we leave. I have been also hatching more peachicks. There are three one their way as I type! Will have pics of them whenever they decide to make an appearance.
Here is a picture of a really famous place that I will be going to on the trip and that town happens to be the destination:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Peachicks and Flooding

Yesterday/This morning I had 3 more peachicks hatch and 2 on the way. I have 12 now! Here is a picture of the latest three:

Also yesterday Mom and Dad went to see the dam in Yankton and here is a picture of that. I have a video but can't get it uploaded.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Flooding on the Missouri

Today I went out to see some of the flooding on the mighty Missouri. Started off by going to Gavins Point Dam in Yankton. We got there just after the increased the release to 130,000 CFS. The waves were so powerful they were splashing the people that were on the parking lot right next to the gates. I was one of those people that got wet. After that we traveled upstream to the Springfield Marina. The main road is closed so they widened the bike path for lookers to see the water. The water has already covered one of the concrete slabs where one of the cabins was. The bay was filled with cat tails, see bottom picture.
the water gushing out of the dam!
The Main Road to the marina
The picnic shelter
the dock underwater 

the bay filled with cat tails