Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally Have Time!!

I think I have caught up on my sleep from the trip finally!! So its time to blog again! I have been just busy, busy, busy. The week after we got back from D.C. school started, so I have been busy with homework. This year I went from 3 peacocks to 12!! I am down to 9 now, and in the process of slowly decreasing back to 3-5. Here is a picture of one of the peacocks I hatched this year. I would have never thought of hatching this kind out. It is called an India Blue Pied. It is the white and brown one.
This is what it is going to look like if its a male or female.

I have also got into building models of different buildings in the U.S. and ones that I have been to. I have built the Sears/Willis Tower (which I went to on the D.C. trip), the US Capital and White House ( which I also have been to), two Empire State Buildings one about 12 in tall and the other about 4 ft tall. The recent one I have made, actually in the process of making is the world trade center complex before 9/11. Here is a picture of the model so far. I have the Twins Towers done, the Marriott hotel and 6 World Trade Center building. 


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