Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Severe Weather

Last night a severe storm moved through eastern South Dakota, due to the heat and humidity of the afternoon. It hit 90 degrees yesterday!! Bringing tornados, hail, and damaging winds with it. Tyndall was lucky and got just rain. The weathermen, who you can never trust, said that we were supposed to get 80+ mph winds and large hail. Well that never happened. Which is good I guess. Here are a few pictures I captured of this "mighty" storm:
Lowering in the cloud west of town.
What dad called "the wall of wind"
What it looked like from the house while the storm was over head.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Three more Peachicks!

Today I welcomed three more peachicks. They hatched two days early, again. I had to help all three of them out because the seemed to be "stuck" in the egg. There are three eggs left to hatch yet. I got two more cameos and one that I can't identify yet. Here are a few pictures:
First one just fresh out of the egg
All three together

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Flowers are planted!

 Today was a very nice day! I got most of the birds' pens cleaned up and I got it decorated around the perimeter. I have to get just a few more things put up then I will be finished. Here are some pictures of the flowers I planted. The pink, yellow, orange daisies are my favorite.
Our house is turning into a nursey! We have about 20 freshly hatched pheasant chicks as well as the 5 peachicks in the basement and today we brought 4 little baby cottontail bunnies. The mother abandoned the nest so we decided to bring them in to bottle feed. My guess is that they are around 3 days old. They look like little mice. Will post pictures in the coming days.
Have a Great Weekend!~ David

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time to Reveal...

Well I think its time to reveal the destination of our next bus trip, since its only a little over a month away. If you can figure out where the picture is you will know where I'm going. Anways if you plan to follow me again the trip takes place July 1st- 10th. Expect a lot of fun and excitement when you hear from me. It is right over my birthday! Here is the pic:

I didn't make it easy either. Well I don't think so. ;)
Have a great weekend! Only 1 and 1/2 days of school left!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Successful Hatch...

I had 5 peacock eggs in my new incubator, see post below. In between Friday afternoon and this morning I hatched 5 out of the 5 eggs! I got 2 India Blues and 3 Cameo. The cameo's are the lighter colored ones. Enjoy the photos:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Peachick hatched!!

Last night my first peacock hatched in my new incubator!! It took him/her to get out about 12 hours. Mom and Dad said he woke them up in the middle of the night. There is two more starting to hatch. I would expect them to be out by tonight. I will keep you updated. 
  ~Have a cold weekend!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

More Pictures from St. Louis

What beautiful weather we have been having these last few days. It is almost hitting 80 degrees here today! I mowed all weekend and sold a few birds. And made a lot of money!
Here are some of the pictures I took of my phone while in St. Louis:
From the top of Monks Mound with the St. Louis skyline in the distance
Inside Union Station

The Old Courthouse

The Gateway Arch

From the Top

The road we took to get to the arch back in August, its flooded now.

One of the Budweiser Clydesdales 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Busy last two weeks!!

I have been extremely busy these last two weeks, from going somewhere, to golf, and homework.
Well lets start with Easter weekend. My family made our usual trip out to the hills and it did the same thing it usually does.... Snows!! Then that week after that I had golf and lots of homework, especially reading! Then last weekend the BHHS band went on their band trip, including me. We traveled to St. Louis for the weekend. We made stops at the Arch and Six Flags, which are usual stuff. Then we also went to Cahokia Mounds, Grants Farm, and the Royal Dumpe dinner theatre. They were all fun to go too.
Here are some pictures (all from Bon Homme's famous photographer, Jan Bentzen). I will add a few of my own this weekend:
Monks Mound at Cahokia Mounds
The BHHS band at the Royal Dumpe Theatre
My table at the dinner theatre

President Grants cabin at Grants Farm