Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Busy last two weeks!!

I have been extremely busy these last two weeks, from going somewhere, to golf, and homework.
Well lets start with Easter weekend. My family made our usual trip out to the hills and it did the same thing it usually does.... Snows!! Then that week after that I had golf and lots of homework, especially reading! Then last weekend the BHHS band went on their band trip, including me. We traveled to St. Louis for the weekend. We made stops at the Arch and Six Flags, which are usual stuff. Then we also went to Cahokia Mounds, Grants Farm, and the Royal Dumpe dinner theatre. They were all fun to go too.
Here are some pictures (all from Bon Homme's famous photographer, Jan Bentzen). I will add a few of my own this weekend:
Monks Mound at Cahokia Mounds
The BHHS band at the Royal Dumpe Theatre
My table at the dinner theatre

President Grants cabin at Grants Farm

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