Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 9: Roanoke, VA

Today we started out by going to Monticello, the plantation where President Thomas Jefferson lived. The house was very high detailed. After we toured the house Mom and I walked down to where Jefferson was buried. Then we met back up with Grandma and headed to go eat at the cafe on the plantation. We then headed towards Appomattox courthouse. While driving there our bus's air conditioner wasn't working, so our bus headed to the hotel while the other bus stopped at Appomattox.
Monticello Plantation
The kitchen in Thomas Jefferson's home
the tomb of Thomas Jefferson
A hummingbird I seen at the plantation
Tomorrow we get even closer to home. We end up in Louisville, KY. When we get there we are going to go out for supper with some friends from the area.~David

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