Monday, March 14, 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like ...Spring!!

Well...I sure hope this weather sticks around for the next few.... well lets hope months! 
High school golf starts this week, which I am very excited about. And it looks like these temps. will be a very good start to the season. 
Last week I finally got my birds' pens cleaned, one thing off my check list. Then next thing I have to do is make their nest boxes, as laying season is right around the corner. Then I got more of a real task. I am going to research our trip destination to figure out where I want to go.
O... and another thing, enjoy this last week of winter! 
ON THIS DAY: Today is Pi Day! Celebrate pi which is  the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.  Since that mathematical constant is about 3.14, March 14 became the day to observe it. 
Have a wonderful rest of the week!

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