Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 4: NYC

Today was another travel day, but the good thing is that will be the last one for awhile because we got into the city today. We arrived around 1 this afternoon. We started off by eating dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe on Times Square. Then we went to check into the hotel. After that we wandered back to Times Square and found where our broadway show was and also found where David Letterman is taped. Then we came back to the hotel and rested for a while and at 7:30 we headed to the Hudson River for the Macy's 4th of July fireworks. They were spectacular. Here are some pictures from today:
We found the Late Show with David Letterman!

There are pigeons everywhere! Some of them fly within inches
of the top of a persons head.

Times Square!!

View from our hotel room.

Fireworks at Macy's 4th of July Fireworks

Lots of different designs.

There were  6 barges on the river the the fireworks were shot from
here is 3 of them during the finale.
Tomorrow we start touring the city!

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